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Malta AirbnbSetting up your property for Airbnb Rentals in Malta

Are you considering renting out your property on Airbnb in Malta? The island is a popular tourist destination year-round, making it an ideal location for short-term rentals. With a little preparation and some helpful tips, you can ensure a successful Airbnb listing that will attract guests and generate income that is definitely more than you would if you were to rent your property for long-term, making your return on investment much more favourable.  Here is a step-by-step instructions on how you can get your Airbnb set up and earning immediately from your property in Malta.


Step 1: Registering on Airbnb

The first step in setting up your property for Airbnb rentals is to create an account on the platform. Visit the Airbnb website or download the app on your smartphone to get started. You will need to provide some basic information about yourself and your property, including photos, a description, and pricing details.


Step 2: Creating a Listing

Once you have registered on Airbnb, you can create a listing for your property. Make sure to include high-quality photos that showcase your home’s best features. Write a detailed description that highlights the amenities and unique qualities of your property. Set your pricing and availability based on market trends and competition in the area.  Compare your property to the others that are listed with the same amenities and space and you can get the prices that are ideal to rent your property.


Step 3: Setting House Rules

It’s important to establish clear house rules for your Airbnb guests to ensure a positive experience for everyone. Include rules about noise levels, smoking, pets, and check-in/check-out procedures. Communicate these rules clearly in your listing and make sure guests are aware of them before booking.

Step 4: Managing Bookings

Once your listing is live on Airbnb, you will start receiving bookings from guests. Make sure to respond promptly to inquiries and reservation requests. Keep track of your calendar to avoid double-bookings and manage your schedule effectively. Communicate with guests before their arrival to coordinate check-in details and answer any questions they may have.

Step 5: Providing a Great Guest Experience

As a host on Airbnb, it’s important to provide a welcoming and comfortable experience for your guests. Clean and tidy your property before guests arrive and provide essential amenities such as towels, linens, toiletries, and kitchen supplies. Be responsive to guest inquiries and address any issues or concerns promptly to ensure a positive review.

Consider Airbnb policies, refunds, cancellations

Airbnb is certainly a great way to improve your return on investment, however, one must consider the policies that protect yourself and those of your tenants.  One must be careful as should you not follow, you may receive bad reviews and thus your income will be diluted. So let’s look at some important considerations to keep in mind.

Airbnb Policies

Before listing your property on Airbnb, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the platform’s policies and guidelines. This includes understanding what you can and cannot do as a host, how to set up your listing properly, and how to communicate effectively with guests. Airbnb has strict rules regarding guest safety, cleanliness standards, and overall hospitality, so make sure you comply with these requirements to avoid any issues down the line.

Refunds and Cancellations

One thing to consider when setting up your property for Airbnb rentals in Malta is the refund and cancellation policy. Airbnb offers hosts different options for refund and cancellation policies, ranging from flexible to strict. It’s important to choose a policy that works best for you and your property, while also keeping in mind the needs and expectations of potential guests. Be transparent about your policies in your listing description to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes later on.

Airbnb Guests in Malta

When hosting guests in Malta, it’s important to be welcoming, accommodating, and respectful of their needs. Make sure to provide clear instructions on how to access your property, offer information about local attractions and amenities, and be available to answer any questions or concerns they may have during their stay. Creating a positive guest experience will not only result in glowing reviews but also encourage repeat bookings and referrals from satisfied guests.

Rental Shortcomings

While renting out your property on Airbnb can be a lucrative venture, it’s important to be aware of the potential challenges and shortcomings that come with the territory. From managing multiple bookings and cleaning schedules to dealing with difficult guests and unexpected maintenance issues, hosting on Airbnb requires time, effort, and dedication. Be prepared to invest in the necessary resources, such as cleaning services, maintenance staff, and customer support, to ensure a smooth and successful rental experience for both you and your guests.

Create an Airbnb business plan

Before listing your property on Airbnb, it’s important to create a business plan outlining your goals, target market, pricing strategy, and marketing plan. Consider factors such as peak seasons, competition in the area, and amenities that will set your property apart from others. Having a clear plan in place will help you navigate the rental process and maximize your profits.

Appeal to Airbnb guests

Airbnb guests are looking for unique and memorable experiences, so it’s important to make your property stand out. Consider adding personal touches such as local artwork, comfortable furnishings, and amenities like a fully-equipped kitchen and high-speed internet. Providing exceptional customer service and prompt communication with guests can also help you earn positive reviews and attract more bookings.

Malta rental regulations

Before renting out your property on Airbnb in Malta, be sure to familiarize yourself with the local rental regulations and tax laws. You may need to obtain a license or permit to operate a short-term rental business, and you will be responsible for collecting and remitting any applicable taxes. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines or penalties, so it’s important to do your research and follow the rules.


In conclusion, setting up your property for Airbnb rentals in Malta can be a rewarding and profitable endeavour if done correctly. By creating a business plan, familiarizing yourself with Airbnb policies, establishing clear refund and cancellation policies, providing exceptional hospitality to guests, and addressing any rental shortcomings proactively, you can create a positive and memorable experience for guests while maximizing your rental income.